Tag Archives: Vision

Am I A Good Leader In God’s Eyes, Part 2 

(Leadership For 2025 & Beyond! series) This is what the Lord has been telling us through His Vision for 1stSBC Gardena, CA, USA given to our Lead Pastor John Ward. Please read it here … “By the Lord’s leading, five years … Continue reading

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Hope For Today #163 – The Dreams and Visions We Are Building!

(Doc and Kate with Kate’s Sister’s Children) Children are amazing! When God blessed Melodee and me with two girls we were so excited. And now as Kate and I pray and seek God’s face, we’re asking God to increase our … Continue reading

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Hope for Today #161 – Expansion Plans Flourish When We Work Together in Unity!

Do you struggle with people who will not help? I mean really, why do some people have to be so very, very contrary? In fact, it seems like some people are just gifted to be antagonistic and self-centered. If these … Continue reading

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Hope For Today #160 – Making God’s Expansion Plans Our Top Priority!

There’s nothing better than going out to the garden and bringing in a basket of tomatoes, pulling some carrots, or bringing in some green peppers. Enjoying the fruit of one’s labor is what life is all about. Hi there, I’m … Continue reading

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Hope For Today – God’s Expansion Plans As We Start Afresh!

As I asked people what they did when the lockdown was released, it was interesting to hear their responses. I was looking for the big plans that they had hoped and dreamed about. Most of the people responded about enjoying being back … Continue reading

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Hope For Today – His Expansion Plans Begin Afresh!

Like a new calendar at the beginning of the year, there is something that stirs my heart when everything begins new.  One of the things that I love the most is when God gives a fresh word for a new … Continue reading

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Hope For Today – God’s Expansion Plans Are About Thriving!

Like in a hurricane or an earthquake, when everything around us is shaking and spinning and tearing apart, fear can grip us and terrorize us.  How we handle storms, like the global pandemic, reveals more about us, and our relationship with … Continue reading

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Hope For Today In Times of Disaster!

Whatever else we want to say about the global pandemic we have been in, one thing is for sure: We have never seen anything like this in our lifetime. Everything closed, people frantic and panicked; People struggling and trying to … Continue reading

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Hope For Today! How God’s Expansion Begins!

It’s a New Year! And let me tell you, for Kate and I, it took off running! You probably know what we mean. Wow, God told us to lead people in A 21 Days fasting and prayer movement. People all … Continue reading

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Turn-Around Tuesday – Choosing to Be a Believer

“When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless, that I may make my covenant between me and you, and may multiply you greatly.” … Continue reading

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