Category Archives: Discipleship

Am I A Good Leader In God’s Eyes, Part 2 

(Leadership For 2025 & Beyond! series) This is what the Lord has been telling us through His Vision for 1stSBC Gardena, CA, USA given to our Lead Pastor John Ward. Please read it here … “By the Lord’s leading, five years … Continue reading

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Am I A Good Leader In God’s Eyes, Part 1 

(Leadership For 2025 & Beyond! series) What Does That Mean? As I was reading through our reading schedule last month, I ran across a chapter in Isaiah that the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let me leave. Kate will tell you I hovered over … Continue reading

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God Doesn’t Treat All People the Same!

We hear it all the time in the Mythology of Churchianity: God blesses all people the same, or God doesn’t have favorites. But, does God treat everyone the same way? David tells us, “No! He does not!” In fact, we … Continue reading

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The Foundations of Our Faith Begin …

“For the leader. By David: In Adonai I find refuge. So how can you say to me, “Flee like a bird to the mountains! See how the wicked are drawing their bows and setting their arrows on the string, to … Continue reading

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Choices Determine Destinies!

We have a choice every day throughout this life: – Faith or Fear– Courage or Cowardice– Walk or Talk– Do or Excuses– Responsible or Blame– Benefit or Lose– Significance or Shame– Pleasure or Guilt– Favor or Trouble– Focus or Confusion– … Continue reading

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Oh, That God Would Send Us an Ezekiel or Three! (Ezekiel 2, CJB)

America, and I am sure most countries right now, could use an Ezekiel or three in this current world devolution, this beastialization of humanity. Here is what God said to Ezekiel … may God speak to someone soon! The Text … Continue reading

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The Six Benefits of Listening to the Lord!

“If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would only follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! Those who hate the Lordwould cringe before him, and their punishment … Continue reading

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Peace and Quiet Lives!

Isaiah 32:17 tells us that peace, quietness, and assurance are the effects of right living! We all know that life is busy and hectic, and often we are swallowed up in it. However, there re many people who simply have … Continue reading

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Faith ROARS When Fear RAGES!

Doc was listening to this encouraging song and being reminded that when the devil is pushing fear we need to be pushing FAITH. If you’re with us, and you’ll start pushing FAITH on your social media posts and stop pushing … Continue reading

Posted in Attitude, Becoming Like Jesus, christian life, Discipleship, Engaging Culture, faith, Last Days, Leadership Blog, Ministry, Missional, Prayer, Scripture | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Scripture: What Happens When We Abandon God?

5 Clear Scriptures Concerning Abandoning God Reviewing the Word of God from Cover-to-Cover Recently We Discovered the Following When Judah defiled God’s land and made His heritage an abomination, when their priests ignored the Lord and their theologians didn’t know … Continue reading

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